Tuesday, 4 May 2010

HOME :: Recreation-and-Sports / Fishing Tips For Fishing Stocked Trout By Trevor Kugler Platinum Quality Author

In this article I will outline some tips that I've learned over the past twenty five years for fishing for stocked trout. These tips are all effective and have helped me catch stocked trout in many different areas of the country, and I know they will do the same for you. The first thing that needs to be discussed when speaking of "stocked trout" is what a stocked trout is exactly, and what kinds of foods these fish tend to eat.
Stocked trout are easier to catch than "native trout" or trout that have survived a season of two naturally in a given body of water. You see, stocked trout are raised in glorified aquariums by a local conservation or fishing agency and fed pellets of food from the time they are born. This means that natural foods that trout normally eat, can be completely foreign them. For this reason, live baits such as worms or minnows tend to be much less effective when fishing for our friends the "stocked" trout.
Although trout are stocked in both lakes and rivers, lakes tend to be the place that most trout are stocked and thus lakes are the place that most anglers fish for these fish. Most of the tips below are for fishing stocked trout in lakes, although they can be easily tweeked for river fishing as well.
  1. Using Artificial Lures - Artificial lures can be effective for planted trout, but one of the keys is that whatever artificial lure you choose to use must imitate an insect in some way, shape, or form. There is something ingrained in a trout's DNA that makes them want to eat insects, so insect imitations can be effective when fishing for these trout. The general rule when using artificial lures for trout, whether you are using artificial flies or spinners such as Rooster Tails, is the smaller they are the more effective they will be. This is a good tip to keep in mind when fishing for stocked trout with artificial lures.
  2. Use Powerbait - When fishing for stocked trout in lakes one of the best baits that can be used is Powerbait. You know, those little jars of multi colored of trout bait that looks and feels a lot like Play dough (although it certainly doesn't smell like play dough)? Powerbait is very effective bait for catching trout that have been stocked. If you are fishing stocked trout a bottom rig baited with Powerbait and still fished is a great tactic.
  3. Change Your Offering Often - Planted trout can be easy to catch, but changing your bait fairly often is important to figure out which bait is working best on a particular day. A good "rule of thumb" to use is if your bait or lure hasn't caught fish with a half an hour, you probably want to change it. In the case of Powerbait (for example) always carry at least 3 different colors with you. The reason for this is that trout will bite a certain color and on another color you won't get a nibble. Experimentation is the key when using Powerbait. The same rule goes for artificial lures as well. If something isn't working, try another color, size, or style until you find the bait that's the most effective.
Add these simple tips for fishing stocked trout to your repertoire and put them into action sooner rather than later. As soon as you do you will experience much more success when fishing for stocked trout.
Trevor Kugler is co-founder of JRWfishing.com and an avid angler. He has more than 25 years experience fishing for all types of fish, and 15 years of business and internet experience. He currently raises his five year old daughter in the heart of trout fishing country.
Gang Hooks Ready To Fish - http://www.jrwfishing.com/gang_hooks.asp
Trevor Kugler - EzineArticles Expert Author

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