Fly tying is a skill that is easy to learn, if you start out with the correct attitude. It is essential that you understand that fly tying is only as hard as you make it. In the real world, fish don't care as much as the angler does. If anyone tells you any different, they haven't fished much or they are a perfectionist who thinks anything less than perfection is a waste of time.
I have caught fish with a fly that has been torn to a point that it is unrecognizable. So don't worry about the fly looking perfect. The more you tie flies, the better you will get. I like to use some of my goofs to see how they work. Most of the time they work well.
Start Off with the Basics
In order to get started, you have the option to buy the essentials of fly tying individually or in a kit.
I would recommend buying an inexpensive tying kit first. They will come with all the basics you need to get started. You can find them at most fly shops or sporting good stores that sell fly-fishing equipment. They range in price averaging somewhere between $20 and $50. These will work well until you get confident enough to venture out to flies that are more difficult.
Beginners Should Start Big
When starting out, it will be best to tie flies from size 10 or smaller. (If you don't know what this is, ask the fly shop to help you.) When you are tying flies usually the smaller the number the larger the fly. Sound weird? Whoever decided the scale must have been a golfer and the low score wins.
It is better for beginners to start with size 10 or smaller. Since they are larger, they are easier to see what you are doing and require less feel. Feel is something you will develop over time.
When you tie flies, you will find out that you will have a tendency to use too much material and the fly will be too bulky. This is normal. However, sparse is better in most cases. This will come with practice.
Fish Like: Shapes, Colors, and Sizes
When tying a fly three things attract fish, shape, color and size.
When you tie flies, consider making two to three different sizes of each fly. This will help you gain control and give you a more versatile array of flies to show the fish. Additionally, try to make the flies using the same shape and size but varying the color. This way you can find out which fly the fish like best.
Fly Tying Progression
The beginner will have the best luck attempting to make bass flies. Once that has been mastered, you can work your way up to trout flies. These flies generally require smaller flies and detail that is more intricate.
Good luck and have fun. Remember, there isn't such a thing as a bad fly, just one that looks funny. Fishermen need a good laugh and fish don't care.
Robert enjoys many business ventures and sharing his passion with others. As a businessman, he always has new projects going. Visit his latest business venture at where he shares his knowledge of BBQ Grill Doors. Article Source: | ![]() |
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